
Blogging. On 2013. Science stream on a bright future♡

Hello peeps. I’m here to write something on my blog.
So, apparently I am a little bit busy because school has opened &
So do School holiday are  officially ended. I’ve already got my PMR result
And I’m happy for my achievement. *hahaah* Fortunately, I got to be accepted into Science stream. Which is what I’ve been wishing for. It’s like a dream haha I never expected I would get A for Science.
It depends on our effort sebenarnya. Kalau berkaitan pelajaran, it’s alright to spend as much as you afford on books investment. It’s totally fine.That’s what I did a few months before PMR.
All my saving I used to buy books. Huhu. You should try to do the same too.
But makes sure you use that book sebaik-baiknya as reference not as perhiasan (:
All I can say is, I must struggling hard for this year. No honeymoon. Mentang-mentang PMR baru habis. Hah, mau bulan madu la konon. No no no. If you left form 4 topics straight from the first, you will be dead untuk the next year.  I’m studying hard…ni untuk make my dreams come true,
I wanna make my parents proud of me, and belajar satu tuntutan dalam Islam,bukan? So okay fine…I’ll be fangirling as usual but at the same time studying hard. By the way, I’m kpop die hard supporter! bye luv Sabah :D 

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