
Ear FUN.

Hello readers, how are you all? I'm back after a long hiatus.
Okay, so here's just a simple post for today. We've got Taylor Swift's song.
I used to like this song a lot. It's so calming. Enjoy it peeps! xoxo ;)



I love the saying, nggai do anak Samah amun nia bani. ^_^

Karambunai..Lagenda Sebuah Kedaulatan Bangsa Diraja

Mengimbas kenangan saya menyusuri pantai Karambunai satu ketika dahulu,batu batuan kecil umpama berlian yang berkilauan bersinar dibawah panahan cahaya bulan.Deru angin yang bertiup umpama suara tangisan bumi Karambunai.Menangisi ranjau dan liku liku kewujudannya di muka bumi ini.Bumi Karambunai ini menyimpan seribu satu kisah yang tidak ramai diantara kita yang mengetahuinya.Salah satu daripadanya adalah kisah perjuangan Datu Paduka Pengiran Sharif Mat Salleh,seorang manusia yang sehingga ke akhir hayatnya hidup diburu demi mempertahankan kedaulatan bumi Karambunai ini.Perginya tanpa kubur, tanpa tanda,tanpa pusara untuk dikenang.DPPS sebenarnya tidak mati semasa serangan di Tambunan seperti yang ditulis dalam sejarah.Beliau pernah dikesan di Kudat,Kota Belud,Sembulan dan Kg Benoni Papar dengan menggunakan identiti yang berlainan.Antaranya Datu Abd Salam,Hj Salam,Pengiran Salim dan bermacam nama,Tapi orang yang sama.Arwah datuk saya juga pernah menemuinya sekitar tahun 1920an di Kg Labuan/Taun Gusi Kota Belud.Kerana sudah menjadi kebiasaannya melawat saudara2nya disana.Bermusafir 2-3 hari kemudian hilang tanpa disedari.Dengar khabar,dia sudah berada di Kudat dan berkirim salam melalui utusan2 dari Kudat. Seperti yang kita tahu,DPPS Mat Salleh adalah berketurunan Suluk di sebelah ayahnya dan Bajau Inanam di sebelah ibunya.Setakat itu yang diceritakan kepada kita dalam buku sejarah.Tapi siapakah gerangan wanita yang telah mengandung dan melahirkan pahlawan terbilang ini.Saya merasakan sudah tiba masa untuk kita mengetahuinya setelah sekian lama ianya disembunyikan dari kita.Kalau kita kaji sejarah sebenar DPPS Mat Salleh,ternyata beliau jauh lebih hebat dari apa yang digambarkan kepada kita..Adakah hanya kerana beliau seorang pahlawan yang handal,beliau dengan mudahnya mendapat sokongan masyarakat di Inanam,Menggatal,Mengkabong dan kawasan sekitar.Tentu sekali tidak.Melainkan ada sebab2 yang lebih relevan.Jawapannya adalah keturunan.Keturunan ibunyalah yang membuatkan DPPS Mat Salleh berpengaruh di kawasan pantai barat Sabah.Ibunya Pengiran Siti Aisyah hasil perkahwinan Pg.Abd Rauf dengan Pg. Jamilah.Pg Abdul Rauf adalah anak kepada Pg Abdul Rajit yg berkahwin dgn Pg Fatimah anak kepada Temenggung Abd Rauf yang berkahwin dengan Pg. Anak Siti Khadijah @ Puteri Babau,puteri Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddien 1.Sultan Brunei yang ke 18.Negeri Karambunai adalah anugerah Sultan kepada puterinya Pg Anak Siti Khadijah,diwariskan sampailah kepada Pg Abd Rauf,datuk kepada DPPS Mat Salleh sebelah ibunya..Negeri Karambunai adalah berstatus tanah tulin,tidak boleh diserahkan kepada sesiapa..Ianya meliputi Mengkabong,Tambalang(kini Tuaran),Napas,Inanam dan Menggatal,Api2 (KK),Tg Aru,Dumpil,Kinarut dan Kawang,Pulau Dinawan sampailah ke Membakut dan Kota Lama(Binsulok)..Selain dari geran L 228 yang ditukar kepada L 9117 dan PL 623 iaitu Karambunai dan Pulau Uda Besar,seluruh wilayah negeri Karambunai telah dipajakkan kepada British sebagai gantirugi kepada pos SBBU British di Pulau Gaya yg dibakar DPPS Mat Salleh dan pengikutnya pada tahun 1897.(Tidak pasti betul kah DPPS yang bakar,atau mungkin kerja talibarut British.Istilah orang2 muda sekarang macai..mereka buat hal,buat kecoh,buat kacau.Lepas itu tuduh pengikut parti lawan yg buat.Tak habis2 spesis manusia seperti ini di atas muka bumi.Di zaman British spesis ini jadi talibarut menggadai maruah dan kedaulatan bangsa,di zaman ini mereka jadi macai UMNO dan Barisan Nasional ).Dan peristiwa ini ada tercatat dalam treaty 23 Mac 1898 antara Pg,Jalaluddin Ibn Pg Abd Rauf pakcik DPPS dengan pihak British disaksikan oleh baginda sultan..Mengikut fakta ini,tahulah kita kenapa DPPS bermati matian melawan British di pantai barat Sabah ini.Negeri Karambunai adalah hak tulen keturunan ibunya.Tanah Karambunai,yang tertinggal itu pun akhirnya jatuh ke tangan Nexus Resort.Tidaklah saya pasti,kroni dari kerajaan mana mereka ini.
Sebut saja DPPS Mat Salleh,bukan saja bangsa Samah.Tapi bangsa Bajau,Suluk,Irranun ,Dusun,Brunei dan sekalian umat bangsa Sabah mesti mengetahui sejarahnya.Itupun kalau kita benar2 mengiktiraf beliau sebagai pejuang bangsa.Termasuklah juga rakyat Pakistan yang mengayuh basikal menjual kain atau yang berniaga karpet menaiki pikap.Serta pendatang asing lain yang telah menjadi warga negeri Sabah.
Saya kongsi petikan dari sebuah jurnal yang ditulis oleh Rajah Brooke setelah pihak British gagal memujuk Pg Abd Rauf Ibn Pg Abd Rajit untuk memajakkan wilayah kepunyaannya.Iaitu Negeri Karambunai.Petikan ini asalnya dalam bahasa Inggeris,tapi telah diterjemahkan separuhnya ke dalam Bahasa Melayu.

Rajah Brooke telah berjumpa dengan Pg. Abd Rauf yang dengan tegas mengatakan bahawa dia tidak akan membenarkan mereka mengambil "ANY PARTS of his country or rights". Seterusnya Rajah Brooke "cautioned the pengiran against using any weapons or fighting but said be CONSIDERED THEY QUITE JUSTIFIED IN HOLDING WHAT HAD BELONGED TO THEM IN GENERATIONS".

Seterusnya Pg. Abdul Rauf telah meninggalkan Rajah Brooke, dan semasa hendak pergi dia mengatakan "that he would not sell his rights, that HE WOULD RATHER DIE THAN ALLOW THEM TO PASS INTO OTHER HANDS".(Dia tidak akan menjual kepunyaannya dan lebih rela mati dari diserahkan kepada pihak lain)

Disebutkan "...Pg. Abdul Rauf, THE CHIEF OF BAJAU, had protested against this (cession), and that there was at present a dispute going on between him and the sultan of Brunei upon this point".Pg. Abdul Rauf, seorang yang amat berpegang dengan prinsip dalam mempertahan hak tulin keturunannya sehingga sanggup 'berbalah' dengan sultan pada ketika itu. (Kredit kepada YEPPI)

Disebabkan kekerasan hatinyalah yang menyebabkan pihak SBBU British tidak berjaya mendapatkan Negeri Karambunai. Disebabkan kekerasan hatinya jugalah SBBU British hanya memperolehi Karambunai selepas 13 tahun dari kemangkatannya, iaitu pada tahun 1898 melalui anak beliau Pg. Jalaluddin, yang tinggal di Labuan dan tidak tinggal bersama beliau semasa beliau masih hidup di Karambunai.Dengan nilai sewaan $3000 setahun,sebahagian besar negeri Karambunai telah dipajakkan kepada SBBU British buat selama lamanya.Jika Pg.Jalaluddin sudah tiada,pewarisnya berhak menerima bayaran tersebut.Perjanjian ini akan terbatal sekiranya pihak kompeni gagal membayar bayaran sewaan selama 3 tahun berturut2.Tak pasti sehingga ke hari ini berapa puluh tahun sudah mereka tak bayar sewa.Malah diserahkan pula wilayah tersebut kepada kerajaan British pada tahun 1946 yang terang terangan melanggar perjanjian tersebut.Ternyata tindakan Pg.Abd Rauf mempertahanankan hak milik keturunan ada kebenarannya.Bayangkan kalau Pg.Abd Rauf masih hidup,adakah negeri Karambunai ini akan jatuh ke tangan British dan akhirnya bersama2 dengan negeri2 lain didalam negara Sabah menyertai persekutuan Malaysia.Untuk pengetahuan anda,Sabah dan Sarawak berstatus negara semasa menyertai persekutuan.Tapi telah di downgrade menjadi negeri sama seperti negeri2 lain di Tanah Melayu.Antara yang termiskin lah pula.Bahana sebuah penjajahan tirani.

Siapakah Pg. Abd Rauf Ibnu Pg Abd Rajit ini?

Terdapat satu kenyataan dalam jurnal tersebut yang telah saya highlight.."Pg. Abdul Rauf, THE CHIEF OF BAJAU, had protested against this (cession)"..Kenapa tidak disebut Chief of Brunei,Chief of Suluk atau yang lain.Berdasarkan populasi penduduk negeri Karambunai,kita boleh menjangka bangsa Bajau apa yang dimaksudkan.Ya,bangsa Samah.Maksudnya Pg. Abd Rauf adalah berbangsa Samah!!!.Negeri Karambunai diwarisi dari neneknya Pg Anak Siti Khadijah,puteri Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddien 1.Maksudnya kemungkinan beliau bukan keturunan SOAS 1.Tapi berdasarkan gelaran Pengiran ternyata sekali beliau adalah keturunan kerabat diraja juga.Tapi keturunan sultan Brunei yang mana?..Kalau Pg Abd Rauf adalah THE CHIEF OF BAJAU(Samah),maksudnya dia adalah keturunan sultan yang berbangsa Samah.Yang itu hanya Allah s.w.t dan Sultan Brunei saja yang tahu.Kena lah kahwin dulu dengan puteri sultan( Puteri Azemah Bolkiah masih belum berpunya..Bahh,anak Samah kamu pinang la itu puteri sultan.Mana tau diterima.Ada berani ka???)baru tau sesama mereka bahasa apa yang menjadi bahasa pertuturan. .Itupun kalau mereka masih menggunakan bahasa ibunda mereka.Dan hanya Awang Alak Betatar (Sultan Muhammad Shah-Sultan Brunei 1)saja yang berbangsa peribumi iaitu Bisaya.Bermula dari Sultan Sharif Ali Barakat(Sultan Brunei ke 4),mereka adalah keturunan Arab yang bercampur dengan masyarakat tempatan. Nama sebenar sultan Sharif Ali Barakat ialah Sharif Ali Ibn Ajlan Ibn Rumaithah.Berasal dari Taif,Jazirah Arab.Beliau merupakan penguasa di Mekah sebelum berhijrah ke Brunei sekitar tahun 1395.Atas sebab itu,Sultan2 Brunei adalah berdarah sharif(Keturunan Rasulullah s.a.w bernasabkan cucu baginda Saidina Hassan r.a). Mungkin ada yang mengatakan ianya tidak masuk akal.Bagaimana pula ada sultan atau kerabat diraja yang berbangsa Samah sedangkan mereka di Brunei bangsa Samah di Sabah.Ianya tidak mustahil sebenarnya sekiranya kita melupakan sebentar persempadan Malaysia-Brunei.Bayangkan kita sekarang hidup dalam wilayah kesultanan Brunei iaitu Negeri Tempasuk(Pandasan ke daerah yang bersempadan dengan Mengkabong) dan Negeri Karambunai.( meliputi Mengkabong,Tambalang(kini Tuaran),Napas,Inanam dan Menggatal,Api Api (KK),Tg Aru,Dumpil,Kinarut dan Kawang,Pulau Dinawan sampailah ke Membakut dan Kota Lama/Binsulok)..Adakah mustahil bagi sultan2 dan kerabat2 terdahulu berkahwin dengan gadis bangsa Samah yang sememangnya cantik 2 belaka,anggun bergaya dengan serempak keemasan di kepala mereka???(pheeewiit..tersenyum2 tersipu malu si gadis Samah membaca kenyataan ini).Kalau para sultan dan kerabat2 ini boleh belayar dan berpermaisuri sejauh Tanah Jawa,ke Tanah Sulu,malahan ada yang mangkat di Tanah Besar China.Adakah mustahil untuk mereka berkahwin dengan rakyat sendiri yang menduduki Negeri Tempasuk dan Negeri Karambunai??.Populasi pada masa itu pula tidaklah seramai sekarang.Kita tidak mengetahui semua ini kerana kita telah dibutakan British dan talibarut2 mereka dari mengetahuinya.Ditambah dengan mentaliti kita yang menganggap hanya bangsa Brunei sahaja yang berasal dari Brunei.Sedangkan sesiapa sahaja yang menduduki wilayah kesultanan Brunei ke utara negeri Sabah adalah rakyat Brunei sebelum kedatangan British ( Sungai Pandasan adalah sempadan wilayah kesultanan Sulu dan Kesultanan Brunei.Selepas dari persempadanan itu,ianya disebut sebagai Negeri Marudu dibawah pemerintahan Sharif Osman.Sharif Osman akhirnya mewujudkan pemerintahan sendiri dan berjuang menentang British dan talibarut2 mereka kerana tidak bersetuju wilayahnya dipajakkan kepada British ).
Mungkin inilah salah satu sebab kenapa Brunei tidak menuntut wilayahnya di Sabah(Negeri Tempasuk dan Negeri Karambunai.Juga negeri2 lain).Kerana kerabat dan tuan punya wilayah ini sememangnya telah menetap dan berketurunan di negeri Sabah ini.Siapa pula keturunan kerabat tersebut?..Jawapannya mudah,SIAPAKAH YANG PALING RAMAI MENDUDUKI WILAYAH KESULTANAN BRUNEI NEGERI TEMPASUK DAN NEGERI KARAMBUNAI PADA MASA INI?( Kini meliputi Kota Belud,Tuaran,Kota Kinabalu,Inanam Menggatal,Sembulan, Petagas,Putatan,Kinarut ,Papar).Selain dari bangsa Brunei di Membakut,Bongawan ,Kimanis dan Papar.Bangsa yang menduduki 70 peratus pesisir pantai wilayah kesultanan Brunei iaitu Negeri Tempasuk dan Negeri Karambunai.Dari Pandasan hingga ke Membakut dan Kota Lama/ Binsulok.Itulah tuan tanah sebenar.Satu bangsa yang lahir kedunia tanpa disedari sudah mengalir darah Rasulullah,darah kerabat,darah pembesar.Walau kebanyakannya sudah tidak punya gelaran Datu,Shariff dan Pengiran.Bangsa kebanggaan saya...Bangsa Samah Bangsa Berdaulat!!!

Bangkitlah sekalian anak bangsa Samah.Bagi anda yang pernah membaca artikel saya sebelum ini,ingatlah sejarah bagaimana bangsa Samah ini berlayar jauh dari Riau-Johor Lama bagi mengiringi Awang Alak Betatar (Sultan Muhammad Shah, Sultan Brunei pertama ) yang telah mengahwini puteri Sultan Johor Lama sekitar tahun 1360an.Bersama sama dengan saudara kita bangsa Bisaya,Kedayan,Berunai dan yang lain berdirilah sebuah Kesultanan Melayu agung.Kesultanan Brunei yang gah gilang gemilang hingga ke hari ini.Ingatlah juga jasa anak bangsa Samah yang mengiringi Sayyid Abu Bakar (Sultan Sharif Ul-Hashim,Sultan Sulu pertama) bersama2 dengan saudara2 Tausug kita dan yang lain sehingga terasasnya Kesultanan Sulu pada tahun 1450an.Dan jangan sesekali kita lupa bagaimana bangsa ini berjasa kepada Sultan Muhammad Kabongsuan (Sultan Maguindanao pertama)pengasas Kesultanan Maguindanao pada tahun 1515.Ingatlah juga jasa DPPS Mat Salleh yang berjuang bermati matian mempertahankan kedaulatan tanah dan bangsa ini.Sudah semestinya juga as-syahid Sharif Ali (Embo Ali) dan para syuhada Pandasan yang berjuang hingga ke titisan darah terakhir pada tahun 1915.Adakah kita mahu dipersalahkan oleh generasi terdahulu dan generasi akan datang hanya kerana dengan mudahnya kita menjual kedaulatan ini dengan tangan kita yang memangkah parti ciptaan dan warisan penjajah pada pilihanraya nanti???.Kedaulatan ini dicipta dengan tulang empat kerat,titisan peluh dan keringat.Dipertahankan pula dengan darah dan nyawa.Kuasa di tangan anda.Kalau nenek moyang kita boleh mencipta kedaulatan beratus tahun dahulu,kita juga boleh mengembalikan kedaulatan itu pada hari ini.Baya ni matai entorong bujak,daa jo bongso tih tenindak tindak.Kata orang tua2,nggai do anak Samah amun nia bani.Bangsa ini bangsa berdaulat,semangat Samah semangat keramat.

I got this from Facebook. source: Pelangi Petang's photo


Loving my tea time ♡

Red Velvet Cake 

Red velvet cake :)

I don't know why I decided to try this recipe (as if I had not tried that many Red Velvet cakes recipes) , but I did...and I was glad I did! I love the simplicity of this cake, using corn oil, instead of butter but yet made you want to have a slice of the cake over and over again! A red velvet cake is a cake with a dark red, bright red or red-brown color. It is traditionally prepared as a layer cake topped with cream cheese icing, and sometimes dough filling. The reddish color is achieved by adding red food coloring. Common ingredients are buttermilk, butter, flour, cookie dough for the filling, cocoa and beetroor or red food coloring.
Okay so that's all. I love this cake! :)


3 1/2 cups cake flour
1/2 cup cocoa powder, 1 used Valrhona
1 1/2 teaspoon salt
2 cups corn oil
2 1/4 cups sugar
3 large eggs
1 teaspoon red colour gel
1 1/2 teaspoon vanilla
1 1/4 cup buttermilk
1 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
2 1/2 teaspoon white vinegar


Prophet Muhammad's Birthday مَوْلِدُ النَبِيِّ‎ ♡

Hello everyone. Assalamualaikum.  Did any of Muslims remember what's happening on today? Okay, today 24 January is Prophet Muhammad's Birthday :)
Below are some description of our Prophet Muhammad.

Muhammad was the last Prophet and Messenger of Allah in Islam religion.

The celebration of the Prophet's Muhammad (s.a.w) Birthday

The birthday of the Prophet (s.a.w.) is called Maulid  which denotes the festivities organised on this auspicious day. The alternative term Milad, which means 'birthday anniversary' is also commonly used. Thus in this case, the day is referred to as Miladun-Nabi, the birthday anniversary of the Prophet.

 Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) was born on the night of  12 Rabi' al-Awwal, the third lunar month. This date is also remembered with sadness, as it is also the day of his demise. In the late eighth century, the house in Mecca in which he was born was transformed into a place of private worship by the mother of the Caliph Harun ar-Rashid and the pilgrims, who came to Mecca to perform Hajj (pilgrimage), visited it to offer special prayers. This practice has a parallel to day in that, after the completion of the various rites associated with the performance of the Hajj, many pilgrims visit the Prophet's Mosque in Medina to offer prayers. The practice of making a visit (ziyirah) to the Holy Shrines e.g. those of the Prophet (s.a.w.) and in the case of the Shi'a, also the shrines of the Holy Imams (a.s.), is looked upon as acts to derive spiritual benefits by supplicating and seeking forgiveness from Allah.

It appears that the tendency to commemorate Miladun-Nabi on a grand and festive scale emerged first in Egypt during the Fatimid Era (969 - 1171 A.C) This is quite logical, for the Fatimid Caliphs were descendants of the Prophet (s.a.w.) through his daughter Hazrat Bibi Fatima (a.s.) married to the Prophet's cousin, Hazrat Murtaza Ali (a.s.). The Egyptian historian Maqrizi (d. 1442 AC) describes one such celebration held in 1122 AC basing his account on Fatimid sources It is interesting to note that at that celebration, the gathering included prominent scholars and officials of the religious hierarchy. They listened to sermons (khutba) and were given sweets, particularly honey, the favorite of the Prophet (s.a.w.). On that occasion, the poor received alms. The tradition of Miladun-Nabi in Egypt was continued from the Fatimid days by all subsequent dynasties.

The way in which the birthday anniversary was celebrated varied in different countries. In Turkey, the mosques were decorated with lights, whereas in other Islamic lands, the occasion was marked by recitations of Na'ats and other devotional songs in praise of the Prophet (s.a.w.) In some countries like Morocco, the celebration, after its inception, became an important part of the religious life to such an extent that, for example, in Iraq, the birthday came to be considered in the hierarchy of festive days second only to 'Id al-Fitr and' Id al-Adha.

Throughout the Middle Ages, the Prophet's birthday was lavishly celebrated in Mecca, the city of his birth. In India, celebrations included large exhibitions of paintings, lectures and a funfair of activities ending with lavish feasts in which everybody participated. More recently, in this century 12 Rabi' al-Awwal was declared a public holiday in the Ottoman Empire, as it is the Pakistan today.  In Pakistan the whole month is devoted to the remembrance of the Prophet (s.a.w.) and his ethical, political and social role.  The Seerat Conference mentioned earlier is one such activity of that nature.

 To gain an insight into the manner in which this auspicious occasion was observed and celebrated in various countries in which Islam flourished, the reader is requested to refer to an account of the celebration in the book entitled 'And Muhammad is His Messenger' by Anne Marie Schimmel. In recent times, there is an increasing tendency to use the occasion of Miladun-Nabi to reflect upon the life of the Prophet (s.a.w.) and seek from it answers to fundamental questions of how a Muslim should live his life for it to be truly Islamic. The Prophet's life and his conduct has become a model on which every Muslim aspires to build his life according to the situation in which he finds himself, as Allah says in the Holy Our'an:

"Verily, in the apostle of God you have a good example for everyone who looks forward (with hope and awe) to God and the Last Day and remembers God unceasingly."(Sura Al-Azhab 33:21)

The example of the Prophet (s.a.w.)

In spite of his appointment as the Prophet (Nabi) of Allah, Muhammad (s.a.w.) never claimed to possess any superhuman qualities. He maintained that he was a mortal and a servant ('abd) of Allah to whom revelation(wahi) came, as it is indicated in the Holy Our'an. .

"Say thou, (0 Prophet:) 'I am but a mortal
 like you. It has been revealed to me that
your God is the One God: go then, straight
 towards Him and seek His forgiveness.'
And woe unto those who ascribe divinity
to aught beside Him."  (Sura 41:6)

He knew that his role. was to be the messenger (Rasul) and mediator of Allah in guiding mankind. It is important to note that even in this function of acting as a guide, he reminded the people that only Allah was able to guide.

"Verily, thou cannot guide aright everyone whom thou lovest:
but  it is Allah who guides him that wills (to be guided); and He is
 fuIly aware of all who would let themselves be guided."
(Sura Al-Qasas 28: Verse 56)

It can be understood from this that Allah's guidance is an act of His grace with which He rewards all who desire to be guided. The Prophet (s.a.w.) preached exactly that, whatever happened to him was nothing but Allah's unbounded grace and, through this act of mercy and kindness, he was appointed to be a guide amongst the people.

He never claimed vanity in spite of his exalted position as indicated in the Holy Our'an. As Allah 'taught Adam the names of all things" (Sura Al-Baqarah 2: Verse 31), He taught Muhammad (s.a.w.) the Our'an; the first revelation coming to him on the Night of Qadr (Sura al-Qadr 96: Verse 3). The designation of the Prophet as being 'Mercy for the mankind' (Rahmat lil-alamin) (sura Al-Anbiya 21Verse 107) is another example of his lofty post. He saw his role amongst his people as their guide and teacher and by his example was to steer them to salvation. Whosoever followed him, and his way of life, understood their purpose and meaning of their existence in the world. In this context, the chosen (al-Mustafa)the Prophet became the prototype, (Uswa Husana) a 'Beautiful Model'.

The function of the Prophet has been misunderstood by the non-Muslims. His function was not only to be a spiritual guide, but also the organizer of the new social order, which came as a result of the Last Revelation (the Holy Qur'an). Outsiders have understood his role, for example, as a political figure of high distinction and great statesmanship. However, his role, as a religious and spiritual guide of man and how his life could be emulated by those who are aspiring sanctity and piety, is still misunderstood. With regard to this, Seyyed Hossein Nasr, an eminent Muslim writer says "This is particularly true in the modern world in which religion is separated from other domains of life and most modern men can hardly imagine how a spiritual being could also be immersed in the most intense political and social activity."_ The integration of the material and spiritual aspect of one's life was the hallmark of the lifestyle of the Prophet (s.a.w.) and how he managed to fulfill this dual role, should become an example for Muslims who today face immense difficulties in trying to live in a society which is becoming increasingly material."

Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) participated fully in social life. He married and had a household. He was ruler, judge and fought many battles in which he underwent painful ordeals. In this personal life, both as an orphan and adult, he underwent many hardships. In spite of, this, he always exhibited humility and tolerance. He also made time to detach himself from the hustle bustle of daily life and indulged in contemplation and meditation. By this practice, he integrated his physical aspect of his life with spiritual activities.

In his daily life, he exercised utmost kindness and showed concern for the weak. His loving kindness extended over all beings. He was noted for his love of children and used to greet them and play with them. He was also known for his love of animals.
He lived simply and his saying "Faqri Fakhri ('My poverty is my pride')" became a motto for the many who followed him. Every phase of his work and action became an ideal model of moral perfection. Whatever he did remains exemplary for his followers and thus his actions and sayings were recorded and preserved in the famous Hadith literature. His was a noble and serene cause in the Way of Allah and all those who came into contact with it, were to know that what he preached and the Message of Allah that he conveyed was to show the nobility and generosity of the humankind in fulfilling the purpose of creation. His concern for peace and tranquility in all spheres of human activity was paramount.

The nobility and generosity of the Prophet (s.a.w.) was best exemplified in his triumphant entry into Mecca. The very people who had caused untold hardships to him were forgiven instead of him taking revenge and ushering punishment. This act of generosity was to become a source of immense joy and "pride to his followers, who understood the Message of Allah in the practice of their Faith in that it preached tolerance and forgiveness.

His love and compassion for the fellow beings and his concern for their welfare in all spheres of human endeavors are exampled and recorded. He was their uncrowned king, ruler and father who was concerned with the welfare of his subjects. His total involvement in social welfare matters of the community (Ummah) earned him high praises and respect. He continually sought better relationship between the members of the Ummah and those of the other Faiths (Christians and Jews) and in this manner preached brotherhood, tolerance and patience (sabr) as those qualities that would ensure peace and harmony. In this way he tried to make the practice of religion to be integral part of life so that there was peace and equilibrium between all forces that confront man. Anything that sought to destroy this equilibrium was counteracted. For example, the many wars that were fought, whether for political or social reasons, were for preserving the Faith (Din) and social justice. In this manner, war had a positive meaning as an activity to establish peace and harmony. It is also interesting to note that apart from the outward war (Jihad) of combativeness, the Prophet (s.a.w.) also advocated inward combativeness which was necessary for maintaining the inner equilibrium. This battle was called the 'Great Struggle' (al-Jihad al-Akbar) and is fought in man against forces that tend to negate Allah's Will. Interestingly, the outward war was designated by the Prophet (s.a.w.) as the 'Small Struggle' (al-Jihad al-Asghar).

The Prophet's quality of magnanimity, that is the nobility of his soul and his quality to be above petty feelings, exhibited itself most of all in charity towards man and all other beings. There was no narrowness or pettiness in the soul of the Prophet (s.a.w.), no limitation in giving of himself to others, both in terms of time and resources. The saying that 'It is more blessed to give than to receive', was characteristic of his life until his demise.

In the brief account of the noble qualities of the Prophet (s.a.w.) presented here, one of the key features that emerges is that his lifestyle highlights the fact that in order to achieve the harmony, peace and tranquility within the society at large and within the self, man has to live in this world and not reject it. It is through constant struggle in this world, that man will be in a position to transcend it (i.e. human state) and achieve the realization of the Absolute which is the true destiny of man. The life of the Prophet (s.a.w.) is looked upon as a prototype by the believer in his quest to achieve this lofty status. How man should use the example of Prophet's life is indicated below in the concluding paragraph of the Presidential Address given by Mawlana Hazar Imam (s.a.) at the Seerat Conference in Pakistan. He said:

"The Holy Prophet's life gives us every fundamental guideline that we require to resolve the problem as successfully as our human minds and intellects can visualize. His example of integrity, loyalty, honesty, generosity both of means and of time, his solicitude for the poor, the weak and the sick, his steadfastness in friendship, his humility in success, his magnanimity in victory, his simplicity, his wisdom in conceiving new solutions for problems which could not be solved by traditional methods, without affecting the fundamental concepts of Islam, surely all these are foundations which, correctly understood and sincerely interpreted, must enable us to conceive what should be truly modern and dynamic Islamic society in the years ahead."

The Muslims must now awake, taking their example from the glorious life and the marvelous teachings of the holy Prophet, build their spiritual and religious faith in Muhammad and work for the development of science, knowledge and political and social advance along the line of the most progressive races of mankind.
We must accept this Divine Message as the channel of our union with the “Absolute” and the “Infinite” and, once our spiritual faith is firmly established, fearlessly go forward by self-sacrifice, by courage, and by application to raise the scientific, the economic, the political and social position of the Muslims to a place of equality with Christian Europe and America.<

Source: Hazrat Imam Sultan Mohammed Shah from the “Message to the world of Islam” and HRH The Aga Khan Ismailia Federal Council of Pakistan (1977)


Blogging. On 2013. Science stream on a bright future♡

Hello peeps. I’m here to write something on my blog.
So, apparently I am a little bit busy because school has opened &
So do School holiday are  officially ended. I’ve already got my PMR result
And I’m happy for my achievement. *hahaah* Fortunately, I got to be accepted into Science stream. Which is what I’ve been wishing for. It’s like a dream haha I never expected I would get A for Science.
It depends on our effort sebenarnya. Kalau berkaitan pelajaran, it’s alright to spend as much as you afford on books investment. It’s totally fine.That’s what I did a few months before PMR.
All my saving I used to buy books. Huhu. You should try to do the same too.
But makes sure you use that book sebaik-baiknya as reference not as perhiasan (:
All I can say is, I must struggling hard for this year. No honeymoon. Mentang-mentang PMR baru habis. Hah, mau bulan madu la konon. No no no. If you left form 4 topics straight from the first, you will be dead untuk the next year.  I’m studying hard…ni untuk make my dreams come true,
I wanna make my parents proud of me, and belajar satu tuntutan dalam Islam,bukan? So okay fine…I’ll be fangirling as usual but at the same time studying hard. By the way, I’m kpop die hard supporter! bye luv Sabah :D